
We are an all-age specialist school for cognition and learning – a community special school based in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, UK. Our pupils have a wide range of learning needs including severe or profound learning difficulties or disabilities. We are registered for pupils aged between 2 and 19 years and many have a broad range of additional special educational needs such as autism, physical disabilities and complex medical needs, but all of which are combined with learning needs.

We are based on 3 sites in Scarborough – Seamer Road currently hosts our Early Years and Year One pupils, Barry’s Lane hosts Primary and Secondary Classes and our Lady Edith’s site hosts our Informal Secondary class and our Sixth Form Students.

Between the various school sites, and within the local community, our pupils and students benefit from excellent facilities. A short walk from our main school site is the Scarborough Sports Village with state of the art facilities including swimming pool. We also regularly use Scarborough Rugby Club.

Each year the school hires a beach chalet, and the curriculum in the summer term is designed around regular access to the beach. The school has a hydrotherapy pool on the main site with a state of the art light and sound system.

Families of any prospective pupils are warmly welcome to contact the school to arrange a visit at one of our prospective parents sessions.